txeffect package

Module contents

Twisted integration for the Effect library.

This is largely concerned with bridging the gap between Effects and Deferreds, and also implementing Twisted-specific performers for standard Intents.

The most important functions here are perform(), make_twisted_dispatcher(), and deferred_performer().

Note that the core effect library does not depend on Twisted, but this module does.


A decorator for performers that return Deferreds.

The function being decorated is expected to take a dispatcher and an intent (and not a box), and may return a Deferred. The wrapper function that this decorator returns will accept a dispatcher, an intent, and a box (conforming to the performer interface). The wrapper deals with putting the Deferred’s result into the box.


def perform_foo(dispatcher, foo):
    return do_side_effecting_deferred_operation(foo)
txeffect.deferred_to_box(d, box)

Make a Deferred pass its success or fail events on to the given box.


Convert an exc_info tuple to a Failure.


Create a dispatcher that knows how to perform certain built-in Intents with Twisted-specific implementations.

txeffect.perform(dispatcher, effect)

Perform an effect, returning a Deferred that will fire with the effect’s ultimate result.

txeffect.perform_delay(reactor, dispatcher, delay)
Perform a effect.Delay with Twisted’s